Friday, July 24, 2009

Ohh the pleasures of being a mom...

Nyali is doing some of the funniest things these days. Besides running around growling, and singing, she is marching through the livingroom with Granny. It's so cute, she gets he legs going and then her right leg comes straight out. She laughs cuz she almost falls over.

She blows the cutest little kisses, and claps at everything. With no pacifier and no bottle hanging out of her mouth, her jabber is starting to sound like french. Although noone else knows what she is saying I know every time. When she is wanting hugs she grabs my neck and squeezes so hardand makes an uhhh noise. We sit there and hug like that a few minutes then she kisses me and runs away. The sound of her pitter patter feet brings a smile to my face every time.

I love her so much. My little angel. The one person who I get up for in the morning.