Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I love this picture! All of us girls(sisters) pretty as Princesses. That was so long ago. Things have shanged and half of us don't speak to eachother anymore. I guess time changes even family. Some times I wish that it didn't but others Im glad that is has. I love my sisters and always will. But this is my family when we were young, when things were simpler, and that was all we needed. Now things are more complex, we are older, and we think we need more than we do. Will we ever just be happy with the things we have? Probably not.


Unknown said...

Hey Manda,
I hope you still get this email, but i wanted to tell Nyali Happy Birthday! I've been thinking about you guys lately and hope all is well. I'm sure Nyali is so big now.

i tried you on facebook but didn't see you there.
take care,

Unknown said...

sorry i was signed in on my church account. its Lacey Fellars